Kisofukushima in Nagano
Here is more of foreign touristsIt will be one of the places you want to visit.

In factEven when I wentIs more of foreign touristsI had come to see the sights.

From now older than 250 yearsOf the Edo era of magistrateHow life was look likeI understand well

Ya at the time mealClothes, until the armor at the time of the battleIt has been existing

The reproduction model of the time mealEven though deep in the mountains of the villageThere is a fish of the fresh sea.

The car-free eraThose caught at seaIt is at the time of the express messengerAnd relay runningIt seems to have brought.

Even in this deep in the mountainsThat there has been a power of about itsIt is really a surprise.Is how this barrierIn JapanA large forceYou can see that had.
Of a lot in JapanThere are Inari ShrineAlthough the Inari's the shrine which enshrined the fox

The mummy of a real foxThat seen inOnly in this mansion.Although we have not seen it is usuallyTo people who visited hereYou can admission the mummy of the fox.Also those of foreign touristsIn the same way as usHands togetherI had worshiped.

Thing very valuable.Because it does not take the mummy photoCome, see visit once.
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